In memory of a prophet of God, President Gordon B. Hinckley

I was at my friend's house for dinner tonight when I got a text from my friend telling me that President Hinckley had died. My first reaction was shock and a need for more information. I jumped off the couch and said, "Where's a computer?" After reading the details, I couldn't cry. I began thinking of his legacy and how happy he is now that he can be reunited with his wife and continuing the Lord's work elsewhere. I got in my car and started discussing with my sister about what President Hinckley's death meant to me and the church. Then my other sister called and that's when I almost lost my grip on my emotions. Luckily, I've been able to look on the bright side and realize that this is happy news, nothing to be sad about.
I think I'll remember this night well. I went to ward prayer and our Elders Quorum president suggested that we sort of a give a tribute and talk about what we remember about President Hinckley. The Spirit was so strong there, speaking of this giant of a man and his achievements and character.
Personally, I remember President Hinckley's humor, his compassion, his diligence, his dedication, and his endurance. What an optimistic man whose life touched so many others. Temples, missionaries, the conference center, emphasis on the family, interviews with media and world leaders...what an amazing prophet! I know he was called of God and that he served at full capacity because of his testimony of this gospel. Watching General Conference was always a powerful experience as I watched President Hinckley testify of his love for the Savior and encourage us to step up and become better people.
Currently, I'm watching the news about his life and his passing. It almost seems so trite, trying to pack his entire presidency into a tribute on the news. It's also interesting to watch them discuss how the succession in the presidency happens. That's what we get for living in Utah. You can tell that they're trying to "report" on this from an unbiased perspective...yeah...they cancelled the sports segment and everything! Wow...
I wanted to write while I'm feeling this overwhelming wave of emotions at the passing of President Gordon B. Hinckley. There are so many things to remember about him, so many things he stood for, lives he touched. I know he was truly a prophet of God. He will be missed, but the church is true and another prophet will be called who we will follow in faith.