Teach me to purchase things on eBay. Teach me to
think I'm getting a good deal. Teach me to
READ listings before I click "Buy It Now." Luckily, it's just $10. Luckily, I realize it was silly. Luckily, I don't have severe anger issues. BUT, I do have a forum to illustrate my case.
A few days ago, I was purchasing the first season of
30 Rock. I went to this great website that pulls prices from a bunch of other websites to help you find the best deal,
http://www.booksprice.com/. Perfect. I found one for $9.99, including shipping. DEAL! I was pretty excited about the find, so I hustled through the transaction.
Figured out the end of this story yet? I received the DVD in the mail yesterday...only to open it and find that it was only volume 2 of the first season.

I would like to complain for a moment: who sells things that way?! After doing a search for volume 1 of the same season, I found that it was a lot more difficult to come by. Wouldn't you think that people buying volume 2 would also want volume 1? I'm just sayin'...
Fast forward to this morning when I emailed the seller. I discovered the seller has a 7-day return policy, so I sent this message:
"I thought this was the entire first season of 30 Rock; after looking more closely at the listing and receiving the item, I would like to return it. Please let me know what address you would like it shipped to. Thanks!"So basically, I admitted I was stupid and didn't read the listing correctly. I get it. I should stop being in such a hurry about my online purchasing. Lesson learned. Moving on.
A few minutes later, I got this:
"I was very specific about the item and what you were purchasing. The details never mislead you to believe it was the entire box set-no one would sell an entire box set for that price."Ha! No one would sell an entire box set for that price? Well, how come I found one for only $5 more at Amazon? I figured she was trying to beat their price with the 'deal' I was getting. I'm going to guess this means she won't take it back, even if I ship it. Come on, even Wal-Mart has a policy where if I get something and don't want it--for WHATEVER reason--I can return it and they give me back my dollars.
So how do I respond to this entirely snotty email? SHOULD I respond?
I've already ordered seasons 1 AND 2 from Amazon.com. And if I don't like them or decide on a random whim that I don't want them anymore, they'd
take 'em back. She can keep my $10. I hope she can buy some more volume 2 copies of
30 Rock and find more suckers like me to buy them.