Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rocking the vote

When I woke up this morning, I found that I had survived another elimination on Whew! The pressure! I also discovered that Liz had over 2000 votes (since midnight!) and realized I had to do something about it.

I'm calling everyone to clear-the-cache action! It's easy, and there's nothing in any sort of rules about not voting more than once, so let's do this thing.

Here's how you do it:

Download the Opera browser. Just do it. You can delete it later, once I've won. Go here:

Got that all set there? Good. Ok. Click on the little "Opera" in the upper left-hand corner. Click Settings > Preferences > Advanced (tab) > Cookies (on the left-hand side) > Select "Never accept cookies" and then OK. (See, aren't you glad I'm not making you mess with your usual browser?)

Now you're set. Go to and keep clicking Annie, Vote. You don't even have to refresh the webpage.


If you really want to use Firefox or Internet Explorer:

* Open the browser

* Under the ‘Tools’ section in the browser menu bar, select the ‘Private Browsing’ option ( or Ctl+Shift+P on your keyboard)

* Open the web site you wish to use (

* Cast your vote

* Close the private browsing window or tab.

* Other family members can then open a private browsing session and vote without being restricted by other family members votes.

(Thanks to my dad for this information!)

Really, this contest has become about so much more than going out with a random stranger--well, one could argue that I have a very loose connection to the fella. It's really about who has the most and best friends who will click the "Vote" button a zillion times. So if you've got a spare 10 minutes, open a few windows and click the time away!

Your votes are much appreciated. And I'm considering doing something kinda fun and crazy on the date (if I get voted on!) to show everyone how grateful I am. :) Happy voting!



Blogger Adrianne Miller said...

Dear Nate,

Trust me when I say that Annie is much better than fake blond girl, Samantha. If I were you, I'd just end this whole voting thing and date Annie.

You should take my advice. I know what I'm talking about.

I look forward to your response.

Adrianne Miller

October 7, 2011 at 8:16 AM


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